Functional Food Center Inc.

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Financial Aid Application Form

Apply as soon as possible to increase your chances of being granted financial aid. All eligible applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis and are awarded until all available funding has been allocated. Abstract submissions are subject to deadlines. Please wait to register for the event until after you have been notified of your application status and have received an access code for free or discounted registration.

A limited number of scholarships for free or discounted registrations are available for students, postdocs, and scientists from low and middle-income countries of all careerstages. The following categories are eligible for free or discounted registration:

  • Lower-Middle Income Countries (LMICs) Awards: Free or discounted registration for individuals from LMICs working in life science, healthy and functional food, and medicine related fields. 
  • Trainee Scholarships: Free or discounted registration for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows within 10 years of their PhD.
  • Submit your abstract and application form to be considered. Please review our abstract sample before submitting your own abstract.

This form may be used to determine eligibility. If you are eligible, you will be sent an access code at least one month prior to the event. If there are questions regarding the submission of the application form, contact:

Applications due on April 30th, 2024.

Please fill out the form below: