Print copies of FFHD Volume 10, Issues 01-06 are now available for purchase on Amazon!
This paperback book is a semiannual edition of our journal Functional Foods in Health and Disease featuring a compilation of articles that have been published from January to July 2020.
Students and university faculty members interested in learning about the latest research of bioactive compounds, including sterols, minerals, vitamins, as well as their roles in treating chronic and viral disease would greatly benefit from having this as a resource in their personal or university library. Price: $95
We are currently working on publishing a collection of paperback books, featuring semiannual editions of every FFHD journal, dating back to 2011.
Click the image above to view the print version of FFHD Volume 10, Issues 1-6 on Amazon
Get your copy today!
Print versions of single, monthly issues are also available on Amazon for $29
This would also make a great resource for research and studying for students and professors to have available in their university libraries.

We would also like to showcase our Functional Food textbook series, which includes 8 books that discuss the role of functional food in addressing various health conditions.
Like our FFHD journal, this can also serve as a great resource for students and teachers interested in nutrition and functional food science to have in their university libraries.
Our textbook series can also serve the basis for college courses or as supplementary reading for college courses.
Click the image above to view a sample of our book on Amazon.
Price: $245.00. FFC would also like to offer its readers a 50% discount for the two hard copy versions of Volume 8, if purchased through the FFC’s website. This deal is active for the next 48 hours. Use the code "Corona50%" to receive your discount.

ASFFBC Membership Benefits and Scopus Updates
October 29th, 2020
By Grace Santiago and Danik Martirosyan
Hello Readers,
In this issue of our newsletter, we would like to highlight the benefits of joining the Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds (ASFFBC). Established in 2010, this professional group consists of scientists, physicians, dietitians, PhD students, researchers, and food industry representatives who are working in the field of functional food science and researching the development of healthy foods with bioactive compounds. This society helps to create and improve collaborations between experts to increase global awareness of functional and medical foods and improve the health and wellness of people around the world.
As you may know, our recent FFC 28th International Conference held was the largest conference we’ve had thus far. This year, 3980 scientists, food industry representatives (Members of ASFFBC) gathered together for our virtual conference to hear the latest research on the role of functional foods in aging and viral and chronic disease. To express our gratitude, we gifted all attendees of the conference with 1-year of free membership for our Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds (ASFFBC).
ASFFBC membership includes many perks, including discounts on our textbooks, online courses, publishing fees, and conference registration, as well as the opportunity to connect with health and food industry field experts from around the world.
For a full list of member benefits and discounts, please click the button below:
ASFFBC Membership Info
Special, Limited-Time Discount for ASFFBC Members
For one week only, we would like to offer a discount of 50% off the regular price of our latest textbook Functional Foods and Viral Disease. This great resource contains the latest research about the role of functional and healthy foods, vitamins and minerals in addressing and treating viral diseases like COVID-19, which continues to be a very relevant topic. Current members interested in receiving this discount should fill out the contact form below. Please mention that you would like to receive the discount code for the Functional Foods and Viral Disease book:
Contact Form
How Can You Benefit From Joining This Society?
As a member, you will have access to renowned experts and contacts in the functional food community. You will receive the latest updates on relevant journal articles, news from the FFC, information on upcoming events and conferences, as well as engaging dialogues among members worldwide. Additionally, there are a number of ASFFBC member benefits and advantages:
- Newsletter subscription
- 20% off conference registration fees
- 50% off purchase price of publications and materials (books and print version of journal)
- 20% off publishing fees for articles submitted to the Functional Foods in Health and Disease Journal
- And lots more!!
Not a member yet? Become a member today and take advantage of this limited-time 50% discount and much more!
To become a member:
1. Fill out this registration form below:
AFFBC Registration Form
2. Submit your payment buy paying on our online store
Articles from 2011 to 2020 now available on Scopus!
We are pleased to announce that all of our Functional Food articles dating back all the way to 2011 have been indexed and added to the Scopus database!
To see our articles on Scopus, type “Functional Foods in Health and Disease.” Select “Source title” from the drop down search menu next to the search bar, then Search!
Interest in Publishing an Article in FFHD or BCHD?
If you are interested in publishing an article in FFHD, please reach out to our editorial email editor@ffhdj.com to start the process or check out https://ffhdj.com/submissions for more details on the submission process.