Functional Food Center Inc.

1st International Conference in the Series

Functional Foods for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
November 16-17, 2004, Holiday Inn Select Hotel, Richardson, Texas, USA 


Functional Foods Center at D&A Incorporated (USA)

UNESCO Chair Life Sciences International Educational Center

Russian Society of Phytotherapists, Informational Sponsor (Russia)

Scientific Research Institute of Spa and Physical Therapy Informational Sponsor (Armenia) 

American Botanical Council, Informational Sponsor (USA)


Dr. Danik M. MartirosyanChairman of cnference, Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (USA)
Dr. Arunas B. Savitskas, Kaunas Medical University (Republic of Lithuania)
Dr. Moris L. Silber, Research Professor, MD, PhD, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University (USA)
Mr. Alexander V. Goroshetchenko, Executive Director of Ecology and Health Association (Russia)
Dr. Sergey I. Kadoshnikov, Kazan State University, Botanical Garden (Republic of Tatarstan) 


Prof. Sinerik N. Ayrapetyan S. – Chairmen, President of UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International Educational Center, President of All-Armenian Research Council (Armenia) 
Dr. Karp A. Treskunov, Co-Chairmen, academician of Russian Natural Academy of Sciences (Russia) 
Prof. Eduard S. Secoyan, Co-Chairmen, Vice President of Scientific Research Institute of Spa and Physical Therapy (Armenia) 
Dr. Boris I. Feldkoren D&A Inc. (USA)
Prof. Iskhan M. Magomedov, Biological Scientific Research Institute at the St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
Dr. Danik M. Martirosyan, President of FFC at D&A Inc. (USA) 


Dear Colleagues!

We are very pleased to announce the 1st International Conference “Functional Foods for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases.” The conference will bring together experts in medicine, biology, and the food industry to discuss the contribution of functional foods in the prevention and treatment of disorders. The conference will also cover the advances of phytotherapy and food therapy of cardiovascular disorders, with a special focus on the creation of functional foods with new properties. 

Main Conference Topics: 

The role of nutrition in cardiovascular disease occurrence.
The creation of functional and dietary products for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Phyto products and balsams in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
Non-traditional plants as a source of functional food products.





Proposal of papers (up to 15 pages) should be sent by e-mail to

The deadline for contributions is October 1, 2006, to submit manuscripts to the organizers. Early submissions are encouraged. Decisions on selection will be promptly communicated to the authors by e-mail or fax.

The proceedings of the conference will be published towards the beginning of the conference. All contributions will be reviewed but only a limited number will be selected for the proceedings. For any information concerning publications please contact us at



The best way to send in your contributions is by email, as an ‘attached file’. Our preferred word-processing format is Microsoft Word, version 6. Manuscripts must be double-spaced, in 12-point font (including the references and legends of tables and figures) on sheets of uniform size (preferably ISO A4) with wide margins. A title of up to 10 words (in uppercase), and the first and last names of the author, department, and organization address should also appear. If there is more than one establishment involved in the work, authors' names should be linked to the appropriate establishment by the use numbers and the symbols *, †, ‡, §, and ¶ in that order.
A summary giving a bulleted outline of content should appear for the introduction.
If there are any abbreviations in your article, they should be placed in brackets after the full title on the first occasion they are used.
The main body of the paper should be divided into: (a) introduction; (b) experimental, including materials and methods; (c) results, with appropriate quantification and statistical treatment of data; (d) tables and figures; (e) discussion (f) acknowledgements, including details of financial support; (g) numbered references. It is often an advantage to combine (c), (d) and (e) to gain conciseness and clarity. The discussion section should not recapitulate the results, but only discuss their implications. References should not normally exceed 50, and 20–30 references are frequently adequate.



References in the paper must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. The list of references at the end of the paper should include all the authors' names and initials unless there are more than 6 authors, in which case et al is used for subsequent names. This is followed by the title, abbreviated according to the "List of Journals Indexed" in Index Medicus, the year of publication, the volume number, and the first and last page numbers. References to books should give the names of any editors, place of publication, publisher and year, in place of the journal information.

REGISTRATION FEE: A registration fee of $250 per participant will cover the Conference Proceedings, local transportation, and refreshments during conference days.

E-mail:                              580 W. Arapaho Rd. #130,  Richardson, TX 75080 USA

Group picture of conference participants

Group picture of conference participants

Group picture of conference participants

Group picture of conference participants

Lecturers preparing for conference

Lecturers preparing for conference

Group of international conference attendants

Group of international conference attendants

Conference Contributions

1.      Catherine Sauvaget (PhD),Protein, Fat and Cholesterol and the Risk of Stroke Mortality", Department of Epidemiology, Radiation Effects Research Foundation (Hiroshima, Japan

2.      *Ivan A. Shevchenko (PhD), **Iskhan M. Magomedov (PhD), *Alexander S. Vershinin (MD), ***Danik M. Martirosyan (PhD) "Perspectives of Functional Products Usage for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases", Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology (St. Petersburg, Russia), *Biological Scientific Research Institute at the St. Petersburg State University, (St. Petersburg, Russia), Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, Texas, USA)

3.      Sinerik N. Ayrapetyan (PhD), “Metabolic Regulation of Rhythmic Activity of the Heart” UNESCO-Chair-Life Sciences International Educational and Research Center (Yerevan, Armenia

4.      Fedorov, V.S. (PhD), Leshchinskiy, L.A., Nirkova, T.O., Ivashova, E.M., Petrov, A.G., Tsiplyashova, I.V., “Analysis of Clinical Effectiveness in the Usage of a Plant Antioxidant "Galencard" in Patients with Cardiovascular Pathology, Clinical – Experimental Investigations.” Clinic of Natural Medicine of Pharmaceutical Company "Doctor," Izhevsk State Medical Academy (Izhevsk, Udmurtia)

5.    Zeghichi,  S. (MSc.), Simopoulos, A. P. (MD), Kallithraka, S. (PhD), Chibane, M. (PhD), "Nutritional Composition of Selected Wild Plants in the Diet of Crete", Laboratoire Nutrition, Vieillissement et Maladies Cardiovasculaires, Faculté de Médecine et Pharmacie, Grenoble University (Grenoble, France)

6.      Karp A. Treskunov (PhD), "Clinical Phytology and Phytokhitodez-therapy of the Bloodcirculation Organs Illnesses", Hospital at Russian Academy of Sciences, (Chernegolovka, Russia)

7.      Moris L. Silber (PhD), “Quality Control and Standardization of Plant Medicinal and Dietary Supplements by Simultaneous Profiling of Secondary Metabolites (tannins, alkaloids and terpenes)”, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University (Pullman, Washington, USA)

8.      Alexander N. Orekhov 1,2 (PhD), Igor A. Sobenin 2,3 (PhD), "Garlic Powder Tablets in Direct Prevention and Treatment of Arteriosclerosis", 1. Atherosclerosis Research Institute, (Moscow, Russia ) 2. Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow, Russia ) 3. Institute of Experimental Cardiology (Moscow, Russia)

9.      Davidson Mwangi (PhD, Grain amaranth Consultant), "Amaranth Seed in Prevention of Heart Diseases", African Amaranth Ltd. (Nairobi, Kenya)

10.  Efremov, A.V., Antonov, A.P., Litvinova, T.A., Novoselov, Y.B., Veretenina, O.A., Kostina, N.V., “Variability of Biometalls and Electrolytes in the case of Heart Attack and the Methods of its Correction”, Novosibirsk State Medical Academy, The Siberian Center of Health-Improvement Center (Novosibirsk, Russia

11.  Undurti N. Das, M.D., FAMS, “ Nutritional Factors in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases such as Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, and Hyperlipidemias”, UND Life Sciences (Walpole, Massachusetts, USA)

12.  Korsun, V.F. (PhD), “Phytotherapy in the Case of Post Hart Attack Cardio Sclerosis”, Medical Faculty, The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

13.  Karl Y. Biel (PhD) 1,2,3, Nocholas P. Yensen 2,3, "The Hypothesis of Photo-halosynthesis and its Application for some Agricultural and Medical Problems”, 1. Institute of Basic Biological Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, (Pushchino, Russia); 2. NyPa International, (Tucson, Arizona, USA); 3. Center for the Investigation of Food and Development (CIAD), (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)

14.  Boris A. Komarov (PhD), “The Usage of Water Soluble forms of Chytozan for the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders”, Institute of Problems in Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernegolovka, Russia)

15.  *Moris L Silber, (PhD), **Brian Cortes (PhD), “Natural Delivery Systems for Creatine Supplementation in Elite Athletes and Fitness Population”, *Washington State University, (Pullman, Washington, USA), **Blaze Science Industries, LLC (Lawndale, CA, USA)

16.  Shirokova , O.K. “Complex Treatment of Patients with the Heart Insufficiency by the Herbal Medicines and Chitosan”, Hospital at Russian Academy of Science (Chernegolovka, Russia

17.  Akim B. Bogatirev, “Optimization of the Methods of Alternative Medicine in Prevention and Treatment of Diseases”, Russian Practical-Scientific Association on the Biolocation (Moscow, Russia

18.  Kuria Muchohi Gikonyo, “Amaranth as a Promising Crop for Nutrition and Healing, (His Own Experiences as a Consumer of Amaranth Products)”, African Amaranth Ltd. (Nairobi, Africa)

19.   Treskunov, K.A. (PhD), Shatskaya, O.A., "Phytotherapy and Phytokhytodeztherapy for the Tension Stenocardia." Hospital at Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernegolovka, Russia

20.  Danik M. Martirosyan (PhD), “New Functional Food Products for the Prevention of Hypertension on the Base of Non-Traditional Plants”, Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, Texas, USA)

21.  Komarova, N.V., “Treatment of Patients with the Discirculatory and Post-traumatic Encephalopathy by the Herbal Medicines”, Health and Long-Living Center (Moscow, Russia)

22.  Arunas B. Savitskas (PhD), "Phyto Remedies in the Case of Cardiovascular Diseases", Kaunas Medical University (Kaunas, Lithuania)

23.  Beshley, I.V., Politova, N.K. (PhD), Volodin, V.V. (PhD), "Transportable Forms of 20-Hydroxyecdysone", Institute of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar, Russia)

24.  Joe A. Vinson (PhD), “Tea and Heart Diseases”, The University of Scranton (Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA)

25.  Gorshkova V.G., Goroshetchenko A.V., “Complex Treatment of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease by Phytotherapy and Chitosan: Informational Aspects”, The Union of “Ecology and Health” (Moscow, Russia)

26.  Yunusov, T (PhD), Salikhova, S., Gregory, S.R.,McKenzie, S. (PhD), “New Amaranth Seed Protein products”, Texas A&M University, Food Protein R&D Center (College Station, Texas, USA), Pediatric Institute (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

27.   Treskunov, K.A. (PhD), Komarov, B. A. (PhD), Kosogova V.P.,“Clinical Phytotherapy in the Case of Heart-Attack and Stenocardia”, Hospital at Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernegolovka, Russia

28.  Hang J. Phung, "Modern Therapy for Hypertensive Patients", Buckingham Medical Clinic (Richardson, Texas, USA)

29.  Shatskaya, O.A., “Treatment of Hypotension, Reduction of Adaptability and Vegetovascular Dystonia by Herbal Therapy”, Hospital at Russian Academy of Science (Chernegolovka, Russia)

30.  Kristina Ramanauskiene, Arunas Savickas Kristina Ramanauskiene, Arunas Savickas (PhD), Jurga Bernatoniene, “Selection of the Optimal Method of Extraction for the Production of Neurocardialis Extract”, Department of Drug Technology and Pharmacy Organization of Kaunas Medicine University (Kaunas, Lithuania)

31.  *Shevchenko I.A. (PhD), *Vershinin A.S. (MD), *Temirov A.A. **MartirosyanD.M. (PhD), “ Therapeutic Nourishment with the Ischemic Disease of the Heart", Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology (St. Petersburg, Russia), Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, Texas, USA)

32.  *Alexander V. Goroshetchenko, *Karp A. Treskunov (PhD), **Danik M. Martirosyan (PhD), “Phytotherapy as a Method of Cardiovascular Disease Treatment with the Usage of Modern Informational Technology”, *Hospital at Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernegolovka, Russia), **Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, Texas, USA)

33.  *Sonika (M Sc), *S R Malhotra (PhD), **G L Bansal (PhD) and **Renu Bala (M Sc), "Nutritional Composition of Amaranth Leaf Powder Supplemented Commonly Consumed Preparations of Himachal Pradesh", *Food Science and Nutrition,COHS, **COBS, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (Palampur, India)

34.  Ivan P. Chepurnoy (PhD), “Biochemistry of Herbal Products, New Approaches and Their Application with the Cardiovascular Diseases”, Stavrapol Cooperative Institute (Stavropol, Russia)

35.  Eduard S. Sekoyan (PhD), “Influence of Food Additives on the Proteins with Oxidant and Antioxidant Actions in the Elite Athletes Body”, Scientific Research Institute of Physical Therapy (Yerevan, Armenia)

36.  Semyon A. Royzman, “Microphytotherapy in the Case of Cardiovascular Pathology”, Institute of Phytotherapy and Natural Medicine (Moscow, Russia)

37.  Hootan Rahimizadeh (MD), "Cholesterol Managements", Heart Place, Diagnostic, Invasive and Nuclear cardiology (Richardson, Texas, USA)

38.  I.A.Tchernov (PhD), G.A.Gasimova, S.I.Kadochnikov (PhD), Yu.A.Kulikov (PhD), P.V. Mikheev, "Amaranthus Cruentus L. - Unique Source of Production of Functional Foods, Drugs and Preventives", Botanical Garden of Kazan State University of Ministry of Education of Russia (Kazan, Tatarstan)

39.  Kalveniene, Z., Velziene,S., Savitkas, A., Draksiene, G., “Development of Technology for Tinctures Neuroventralis-1 and Neuroventralis-2”, Kaunas Medicine University, Department of Drug Technology and Pharmacy Organization (Kaunas, Lithuania)

40.  Gavrilina, N.I. (PhD), Popov, O.I., Mikhaylov, S.A., “Biologically Active Additives to the Food, Utilized in Russia with the Psycho-emotional Stress”, Pyatigorsk Pharmacological Academy (Pyatigorsk, Russia)

41.  Adama Hilou, Odile O. Nacoulma (PhD) and Jeanne M. Rasolodimby (MD), “Caryophyllales Therapeutic and Nutritional Power Related to their Metabolits Particulary and their High Level of Betalains”, Laboratoire de Biochimie et de Chimie Appliquee, LABIOCA (Burkina, Faso)

42.  Sergey I. Kadoshnikov (PhD), Irina G. Kadoshnikova (PhD), Danik M. Martirosyan (PhD), “Extraction of Food Dye from the Amaranth and its Application with Cardiovascular Diseases", Kazan State University (Kazan, Tatarstan), Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, USA)

43.  Bansal, G.L. (PhD), “Amaranth: A Potential Health Food Crop--Physiology and Utilization”, Department of Plant Physiology, CSK HP Agricultural University (Palampur, India)

44.  Natalya S. Ejges (PhD), Larisa I. Vaisfeld, G.A. Volchenko, “A Rapoport’s Chemical Mutagenesis in Aspect of Specific Valuable Mutations of Winter Wheat”, Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

45.  *Iskhan M. Magomedov (PhD, Proffesor), **Ivan A. Shevchenko (PhD), “Amaranth: A Promising Source for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases”, *Biological Scientific Research Institute at the St. Petersburg State University, (St. Petersburg, Russia), **Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology (St. Petersburg, Russia)

46.  Bhimu Patil (PhD), “The Role of Fruits and Vegetables for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases”, Texas A&M University-Kingsville (Weslaco, Texas, USA)

47.  Valeriy P. Kisel (PhD), Nelly S. Kisel, (PhD), “Microdeformation of Molecular and Cell Structures as a Key Mechanism of the Growth and Aging, Adaptation to Stress and Cure of the Organisms”, The Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

48.  Paul J. Durfee, (RCDT), "The Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders from a Technical Point of View", One World (Dallas, USA)

49.  1,2,3HayrapetyanV.Y., and 1,3Hayrapetyan Y.N., “Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cardiac Tissues”, 1University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, TX, United States; 2Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indianapolis, IN, United States; 3Laboratory of Membrane Biophysics at UNESCO Life Science Chair (Yerevan, Armenia)

Last updated September 20, 2004

E-mail:  580 W. Arapaho Rd. #130,  Richardson, TX 75080 USA

29.  Shatskaya, O.A. “Treatment of Hypotension, Reduction of Adaptability and Vegetovascular Dystonia by Herbal Therapy”. Hospital at Russian Academy of Science, (Chernegolovka, Russia)

30.  Kristina Ramanauskiene, Arunas Savickas Kristina Ramanauskiene, Arunas Savickas (Ph.D.), Jurga Bernatoniene, “Selection of the Optimal Method of Extraction for the Production of Neurocardialis Extract”. Department of Drug Technology and Pharmacy Organization of Kaunas Medicine University (Kaunas, Lithuania)

31.  *Shevchenko I.A.(Ph.D.), *Vershinin A.S.(M.D), *Temirov A.A. **MartirosyanD.M. (PhD) “ Therapeutic Nourishment with the Ischemic Disease of the Heart", Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology (St. Petersburg, Russia), Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, Texas, USA)

32.  *Alexander V. Goroshetchenko, *Karp A. Treskunov (Ph.D), **Danik M. Martirosyan (PhD) “Phytotherapy as a Method of Cardiovascular Disease Treatment with the Usage of Modern Informational Technology”. *Hospital at Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernegolovka, Russia), **Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc.(Richardson, Texas, USA)

33.  *Sonika (M Sc), *S R Malhotra (Ph D), **G L Bansal (Ph D) and **Renu Bala (M Sc). "Nutritional Composition of Amaranth Leaf Powder Supplemented Commonly Consumed Preparations of Himachal Pradesh." *Food Science and Nutrition,COHS, **COBS, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, (Palampur, India)

34.  Ivan P. Chepurnoy (Ph.D), “Biochemistry of Herbal Products, New Approaches and Their Application with the Cardiovascular Diseases”. Stavrapol Cooperative Institute (Stavropol, Russia)

35.  Eduard S. Sekoyan (Ph.D), “Influence of Food Additives on the Proteins with Oxidant and Antioxidant Actions in the Elite Athletes Body”. Scientific Research Institute of Physical Therapy (Yerevan, Armenia)

36.  Semyon A. Royzman, “Microphytotherapy in the Case of Cardiovascular Pathology”, Institute of Phytotherapy and Natural Medicine (Moscow, Russia)

37.  Hootan Rahimizadeh (M.D.), " Cholesterol Managements" Heart Place, Diagnostic, Invasive and Nuclear cardiology (Richardson, Texas, USA)

38.  I.A.Tchernov (Ph.D), G.A.Gasimova, S.I.Kadochnikov (Ph.D), Yu.A.Kulikov (Ph.D), P.V. Mikheev, "Amaranthus Cruentus L. - Unique Source of Production of Functional Foods, Drugs and Preventives", Botanical Garden of Kazan State University of Ministry of Education of Russia, (Kazan, Tatarstan)

39.  Kalveniene, Z., Velziene,S., Savitkas, A., Draksiene, G. “Development of Technology for Tinctures Neuroventralis-1 and Neuroventralis-2”. Kaunas Medicine University, Department of Drug Technology and Pharmacy Organization (Kaunas, Lithuania)

40.  Gavrilina, N.I. (Ph.D), Popov,O.I., Mikhaylov, S.A. “Biologically Active Additives to the Food, Utilized in Russia with the Psycho-emotional Stress” Pyatigorsk Pharmacological Academy, (Pyatigorsk, Russia )

41.  Adama Hilou, Odile O. Nacoulma (Ph.D. ) and Jeanne M. Rasolodimby (M.D.) “Caryophyllales Therapeutic and Nutritional Power Related to their Metabolits Particulary and their High Level of Betalains”, Laboratoire de Biochimie et de Chimie Appliquee, LABIOCA (Burkina, Faso)

42.  Sergey I. Kadoshnikov(Ph.D), Irina G. Kadoshnikova(Ph.D), Danik M. Martirosyan(Ph.D), “Extraction of Food Dye from the Amaranth and its Application with Cardiovascular Diseases.” Kazan State University (Kazan, Tatarstan), Functional Foods Center at D&A Inc. (Richardson, USA)

43.  Bansal, G.L. (Ph.D.), “Amaranth: A Potential Health Food Crop--Physiology and Utilization”, Department of Plant Physiology, CSK HP Agricultural University (Palampur, India)

44.  Natalya S. Ejges (Ph.D), Larisa I. Vaisfeld, G.A. Volchenko “A Rapoport’s Chemical Mutagenesis in Aspect of Specific Valuable Mutations of Winter Wheat”. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow, Russia)

45.  *Iskhan M. Magomedov(Ph.D, Proffesor), **Ivan A. Shevchenko(Ph.D.) “Amaranth: A Promising Source for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.” *Biological Scientific Research Institute at the St. Petersburg State University, (St. Petersburg, Russia), **Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology (St. Petersburg, Russia)

46.  Bhimu Patil (Ph.D), “The Role of Fruits and Vegetables for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases.” Texas A&M University-Kingsville, (Weslaco, Texas, USA)

47.  Valeriy P. Kisel (Ph.D), Nelly S. Kisel, (Ph.D), “Microdeformation of Molecular and Cell Structures as a Key Mechanism of the Growth and Aging, Adaptation to Stress and Cure of the Organisms”. The Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, (Moscow, Russia)

48.  Paul J. Durfee, (RCDT), "The Treatment of Cardiovascular Disorders from a Technical Point of View." One World (Dallas, USA)

49.  1,2,3HayrapetyanV.Y., and  1,3Hayrapetyan Y.N. “Cell-to-Cell Communication in Cardiac Tissues” 1University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, TX, United States; 2Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indianapolis, IN, United States; 3Laboratory of Membrane Biophysics at UNESCO Life Science Chair (Yerevan, Armenia)   

Last updated September 20, 2004