Functional Food Center Inc.

2nd International Conference of FFC

Functional Foods for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases

November 15-16, 2005, Holiday Inn Select Hotel, Richardson, Texas, USA


  • Functional Foods Center (Richardson, Texas,USA)
    • UNESCO Chair - Life Sciences International Educational Center
    • Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Informational sponsor, (Russia)
    • American Botanical Council, Informational sponsor, (USA)


  • Danik M. Martirosyan,Ph.D., Chairman of Conference, Functional Foods Center (USA)
  • Morris L. Silber, M.D., Ph.D., Research Professor, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Washington State University (USA)
  • Davidson Mwangi, Ph.D., Amaranth LTD (Kenya)
  • Eduard S. Secoyan, Ph.D., Vice President of Scientific Research Institute of Spa and Physical Therapy (Armenia)
  • Vladimir Korsun, MD, Institute of Friendship (Russia)
  • Paul Durfee, Garland Medical Center (USA)


  • Sinerik N. Ayrapetyan, PhD, President of UNESCO Chair-Life Sciences International Educational Center (Yerevan, Armenia) 
  • Valery N. Zelenkov, Ph.D., Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
  • Undurti N. Das, M.D., Ph.D., UND Life Sciences (USA)
  • Arunas B. Savitskas, Ph.D., Kaunas Medical University (Lithuania) 
  • Nicholas P. Yensen, Ph.D., NyPa International (USA)
  • Sabrina Zeghichi, France


We are very pleased to announce the 2nd International Conference “Functional Foods and Medicinal for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases.” The main goal of the Conference is to bring together experts in medicine, biology, and the food industry to discuss the contribution of functional foods in the prevention and treatment of Chronic Diseases. The scope of the Conference will  cover the advances of phytotherapy and food therapy of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and cancer with a special focus on the creation of functional and medicinal foods with new properties. 

Main Conference Topics: 

  • The role of nutrition in chronic disease occurrence.
  • The creation of functional and medicinal products for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and cancer).
  • Non-traditional plants as a source of functional and medicinal food products.

LANGUAGE:   The official language of the Conference is English.


COPIES FOR CONTRIBUTORS: We will furnish one copy of the collective work without charge to the lead author of the article (Editor: Danik M. Martirosyan, Ph.D)


  • The best way to send in your contributions is by email as an attached file. Our preferred word-processing format is Microsoft Word, version 6. Manuscripts must be single-spaced, in 12 point typeface (including the references and legends of tables and figures) on sheets of uniform size (preferably ISO A4) with wide margins. A title of up to ten words (in uppercase), and the first and last name of the author, department, and organization address should also appear. If there is more than one establishment involved in the work, authors' names should be linked to the appropriate establishment by the use numbers and the symbols *, †, ‡, §, and ¶ in that order.
  • A summary giving a bulleted outline of content should appear for the introduction.
  • If there are any abbreviations in your article, they should be placed in brackets after the full title on the first occasion they are used.
  • The main body of the paper should be divided into: (a) introduction; (b) experimental, including materials and methods; (c) results, with appropriate quantification and statistical treatment of data; (d) tables and figures; (e) discussion (f) acknowledgements, including details of financial support; (g) numbered references. It is often an advantage to combine (c), (d) and (e) to gain conciseness and clarity. The discussion section should not recapitulate the results, but only discuss their implications. The number of references should not normally exceed 50, and 20–30 references are frequently adequate.


References in the paper must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. The list of references at the end of the paper should give all the author's names and initials unless there are more than six authors, in which case 'et al' is used for subsequent names. This is followed by the title, abbreviated according to the "List of Journals Indexed" in Index Medicus, the year of publication, the volume number, and the first and last page numbers. References to books should give the names of any editors, place of publication, publisher and year, in place of the journal information.


An early registration fee (before October 1st) of $250 per participant will cover the Conference Proceedings (Abstracts), local transportation, and refreshments during Conference days.  If you submit an article but are unable to attend the conference, the registration fee will be waived.


Rooms have been reserved with the Holiday Inn Select  for the  November 15-16 conference for a special rate of US $79+ tax, per night.  This rate will be available until November 12, 2005.  To make a reservation, please call  972-238-1900 and be sure to mention the "Functional Foods Center"   to get the special rate.


Holiday Inn Select Hotel 

1655 N. Central Expresssway,

Richardson, Texas, USA.

Phone: 972-238-1900; Fax: 972-644-7728

For more information about hotel visit:

From Left: Rakesh Kapoor, Danik Martirosyan (Chairman of Conference), Jaime Uribarri, Undurti Das, Beiouk Mansouri, Teruyoshi Yanagita

From Left: Rakesh Kapoor, Danik Martirosyan (Chairman of Conference), Jaime Uribarri, Undurti Das, Beiouk Mansouri, Teruyoshi Yanagita

From Left: Kristina Ramanauskiene, Jurga Bernatonien, Danik Martirosyan (Chairman of Conference),  Davia Majiene

From Left: Kristina Ramanauskiene, Jurga Bernatonien, Danik Martirosyan (Chairman of Conference), Davia Majiene

Group of Conference Attendants

Group of Conference Attendants

Group of Attendants as Teruyoshi Yanagita gives his presentation

Group of Attendants as Teruyoshi Yanagita gives his presentation

From Left: Dawei Deng and Jaime Uribarri

From Left: Dawei Deng and Jaime Uribarri

Group picture of international conference attendants

Group picture of international conference attendants

Conference Program

Tuesday, November 15:

8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Conference Registration


Chairing  Paul J. Durfee,

9:00 a.m.           


Dr. Danik M. Martirosyan – Chairmen of Conference, Functional Foods Center (Dallas, TX, USA)


9:15 a.m.        

Drug Eluting Stents

Paul J. Durfee, (CVT/CES, Lead Invasive Specialist), The Medical Center of Mesquite (Mesquite, TX, USA)

10:00 a.m.        

Multifuctorial Cardioprotective Effects of Time-Released Garlic Powder Tablets

Igor A. Sobenin (MD), Valentin V. Pryanishnikov, Alexander N. Orekhov(PhD), Institute of Genetic Pathology and Pathophysiology, (Moscow, Russia)


10:45 - 11:00 a.m.




11:00 a.m.       

Conjugated Linoleic Acids and their Health Benefits

Prof. Teruyoshi Yanagita, PhD, Saga University (Japan)

11:45 a.m.         

A Perinatal Strategy to Prevent Adult Diseases: The Role of Long-chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

Undurti N. Das, (M.D), FAMS, UND Life Sciences (Walpole, Massachusetts, USA)

12:30-1:15 p.m.



Chairing  Jaime Uribarri (MD),

1:15 p.m.    

Functional Foods in Psychiatry: Biology and Therapeutic Implications

Ravinder Reddy, MD, Jeffrey K. Yao, PhD, University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh VA Healthcare System, (Pittsburgh, USA)

1:45 p.m.    

Lignans and Alpha-linolenic Acid as Anticancer Food Constituents.

Rakesh Kapoor (Ph.D), Science & Technology, Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. (Saskatoon, Canada)



2:15-2:30 p.m.


2:30 p.m.    

Targeting Hsp90, HIF, and Angiogenesis with Bioactive Compounds in Food

Jack Losso (PhD), Assistant Professor Department:  Food Science Department, Luisiana State University, LSU Campus, (LA, USA)

3:00 p.m.    

Amaranth for the Prevention of Hypertension

Danik M.  Martirosyan (PhD), Functional Foods Center (Dallas, Texas, USA)

3:30 p.m.

Functional Foods for the Integrated Nutrition of Cancer Patients: A Review 

Nicholas P. Yensen (PhD), Center for the Investigation of Food and Development (CIAD), (Hermosillo, México)



4:00-5:00 p.m.



Wednesday, November 16:


Chairing Undurti N. Das (MD)

9:00 a.m.    

Functional Foods for Diabetes

Jaime Uribarri (MD), Mount Sinai School of Medicine (New York, USA)

9:45 a.m.

 Cardiac Support and Dietary Concerns in the Post Acute Myocardial Infarct Patient

Kim Rendell, The Medical Center of Mesquite (Mesquite, TX, USA)



10:30 - 10:45 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

Functional Food: A Novel Approach for Controlling Blood Pressure

Hovsepian S. (PhD); Martirosyan D. (PhD), Functional Foods Center (Dallas, TX, USA)

11:15 a.m.    

Corn sprouts and Chinese Seeds as Sources of Functional Protein Products  

Temur Yunusov (PhD) Food Protein R&D Center, TEES, Texas A&M System (Collage Station, Texas, USA)



12:00 - 12:45 p.m.



Chairing Rakesh Kapoor (PhD)

12:45 p.m.    

The Action of an Antihypertensive Plants Mixture on Metabolic Processes in Rabbits Aorta

Jurga Bernatonien (PhD) and  Arunas Savickas (PhD), Kaunas University of Medicine (Kaunas, Lithuania)

1:45-2:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.

Time-Released Garlic Powder Tablets Protect From Acute Respiratory Diseases and Reduce Overall Morbidity

Alexander N. Orekhov (PhD), Institute for Atherosclerosis Research (Moscow, Russia)

2:45 p.m.

Effectiveness of Using Grain Amaranth in Combination with Antiretroviral in Management of HIV/AIDS

Davidson Mwangi (African Amaranth Institute)

3:30 p.m.

Anti-Diabetic Activity of Different Fractions of Raw Carica Papaya Fruit in Diabetic Rats

1Ruvin Kumara N.K.V.M. (PhD), 2Jayawardane M.I.F.P. (PhD) 1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, (Galle, Sri Lanca), 2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Sri Jayawardanepura (Nugegoda, Sri Lanka)

4:00 p.m.

Effect of Alcohols on 5HT (Serotonin) Receptors

Volodya Hayrapetyan1,2 and Edema Hayrapetyan1,2    1University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth, TX, United States; 2Laboratory of Membrane Biophysics at UNESCO Life Science Chair (Yerevan, Armenia)

4:00 p.m.


Dr. Danik M. Martirosyan – Chairmen of Conference, Functional Foods Center (Dallas, TX, USA)