14th International Conference of FFC - Second International Symposium of ASFFBC
Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in the Management of Chronic Inflammation: Science and Practical Application
August 20-22, 2013, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Along with the University of California, Los Angeles, we are pleased to announce the 14th International Conference "Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds in the Management of Chronic Inflammation". This will be held at UCLA, Los-Angeles, USA. The conference will bring together experts in medicine, biology and the food industry to discuss the contribution of functional/medical foods and bioactive compounds in the prevention and management of chronic inflammation.

The conference will be taking place on the UCLA campus in the Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium (NRBA). Here is a full map of UCLA, with the NRBA highlighted. The second is a close up area map of the NRBA and its surroundings.The physical address of the NRBA is: 635 Charles Young Drive South Los Angeles, CA 90095.
Main Conference Topics:
We are happy to announce that the 14th International Conference of the Functional Food Center and Second International Symposium of the Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds will be held at UCLA. UCLA is home of 12 Nobel Prize winners, 275 of the "Best Doctors in America" and many established professionals in the field of functional foods. Topics for this conference include:
- Functional food ingredients: sources and potential benefits in public health
- Bioactive compounds for chronic inflammation and chronic disease
- Bioactive compounds and foods in prevention of chronic inflammation; role in tissue regeneration and disease prevention
- Bioactive foods in differentiation and prevention of chronic inflammation
- Bioactive foods in regulation of stem cell function, differentiation and prevention of chronic inflammation which fuels cancer and other chronic diseases
- Functional and medical foods in the management of chronic inflammation and chronic disease
- Inflammation, biomarkers, and bioactive foods
- Research and development of new functional food products.
Standard Rate |
Full Time Students* and PhD Students* |
$295.00 |
Registered Dietitians* and Nurses* |
$345.00 |
Representatives of Governmental Organizations (NIH, FDA, USDA) |
$495.00 |
Members of Academia |
$595.00 |
Members of Industry (Food and Medical Industry) |
$795.00 |
Exhibitors/Vendors |
$1195.00 |
*Letter of verification required by E-mail
Please note: space at this conference is limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Hotel Information:
UCLA Tiverton House is very convenient, 5 minute walk only from conference room. The rates of UCLA Guest House, Hotel Angelenol, are reasonable, and close to UCLA.
For a list of more nearby hotels, addresses, reservation numbers and nightly rates, click here.
Access Map for UCLA: http://maps.ucla.edu/campus/
Los Angeles travel guide: http://www.fodors.com/world/north-america/usa/california/los-angeles/
For more information about the conference, please contact us by email at ffc_usa@sbcglobal.net. For international calls, please use 469-441-8272.
Conference Program
August 20, 2013
9:00-9:40 a.m. Registration for the Conference
9:40-9:50 a.m. Conference Opening (Dr. Danik M. Martirosyan)
9:50-9:55 a.m. Announcement about Golden Medal Prize and students awards: (Chair: Dr. Bassem Y. Sheikh)
9:55-10:35 a.m. Keynote Lecture: Anahid Jewett, PhD, Professor and Director of Tumor Immunology Laboratory, Division of Oral Biology and Medicine, The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Development and characterization of a combination of probiotic bacteria with superior ability to condition NK cells to induce differentiation of stem cells; role in resolution of inflammation and prevention of disease
10:35-11:05 a.m. Special Lecture 1: Jason White, PhD, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Resveratrol counteracts the positive effects of Benfotiamine in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
11:05-11:20 a.m. Coffee Break
Session 1: Functional and Medical Food Ingredients: Sources and Potential Benefits in Public Health (Session Chair: Dr. Garth Nicolson)
11:20-11:50 a.m. Shann-Tzong Jiang, PhD, Professor, Vice President, Department of Food and Nutrition, Providence University, Salu, Taichung, Taiwan. Removal of anti-nutritional factors and biotransformation of soy bean isoflavones during proteolysis and Lactobacillus fermentation
11:50-12:20 p.m. Muriel Larauche, PhD, Division of Digestive Diseases, David Geffen Department of Medicine at UCLA. Enzyme-treated Rice Fiber improves inflammation in murine models of inflammatory bowel disease
12:20-12:50 p.m. Subra Malarkannan, PhD, Associate Professor , Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Immunotherapy, Blood Research Institute, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Molecular blueprinting for controlling chronic inflammation
12:50-1:20 p.m. Jinguo Hu, PhD, Research Leader, USDA-ARS Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA. L-DOPA concentration variation in the leaf and flower tissues of six faba bean lines with common and rare flower colors
1:20-2:30 p.m. Lunch
Session 2: Functional Food Ingredients and Chronic Diseases (Session Chair: Dr. Robert H. Schiestl)
2:30-3:00 p.m. Special lecture 2. Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, Professor, Department of Molecular Pathology, Institute for Molecular Medicine, S. Laguna Beach, California, USA. Lipid replacement therapy: a functional food approach for reducing fatigue and the adverse effects of antimicrobial therapy in fatiguing illnesses and Chronic Lyme Disease
3:00-3:30 p.m. Robert H. Schiestl, PhD, Professor of Pathology, Environmental Health and Radiation Oncology, UCLA Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Los Angeles, CA, USA. N-acetyl cystein and the novel anticancer agent Yel002 prolong life of Atm deficient mice and extend the latency of lymphoma
3:30-3:55 p.m. Changge Fang, PhD, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Advanced Personalized Diagnostics, LLC, Alexandria, VA USA. A Novel phenotypic fluorescent 3D co-culture platform: model of choice for angiogenesis study
3:55-4:15 p.m. Yan-gao Man, PhD, Bon Secours Cancer Institute, Richmond, VA, USA and South Hospital of Nanjing, Nanjing, China. Focal chronic inflammation among normal, benign, and malignant colorectal tissues: Implications for cancer development and progression
4:15-4:30 p.m. Coffee Break
4:30-4:50 p.m. Nicholas Cacalano, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, UCLA. The C-X-C chemokines CXCL1 and CXCL2 promote chronic inflammation, tumor aggressiveness and radiation resistance in pancreatic cancer
4:50-5:10 p.m. Han-Ching Helen Tseng, PhD, Division of Oral Biology and Medicine, The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Dual functions of NK in Stem Cell Selection and Differentiation and resolution of chronic inflammation
5:10-5:30 p.m. Avina Paranjpe, PhD, Assistant Professor, Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. N-acetyl cysteine prevents HEMA mediated apoptosis in Dental Pulp Stem Cells
5:30 p.m. Closing
7:00 p.m. Move to the Banquet Place
7:30-8:00 p.m. Registration for Banquet
8:00-10:00 p.m. Banquet (Banquet Room) and Organizing Committee Member's Meeting
August 21, 2013
9:00-9:35 Keynote Lecture: Jonathan Braun, MD, PhD, Professor, Chair, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Co-Director, JCCC Tumor Immunology Program Area, Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Translational Science and the Microbiome
Session 3: Functional and Medical Foods in the Management of Chronic Diseases: Cancer, Obesity, Diabetes, CVD, and other Chronic Diseases (Session Chair: Dr. Yvette Taché)
9:35-10:00 a.m. Special lecture 3. Julius E. Oben, PhD, Professor, Laboratory of Nutrition and Nutritional Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde 1, Yaounde, Cameroon. Anthropometric, lipomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of the aqueous extract of a Cameroonian spice (Dichrostachys glomerata) in obese patients with metabolic syndrome
10:00-10:25 a.m. Joan McIntyre Caron, PhD, Department of Cell Biology, MC-3505, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT, USA. The anti-inflammatory molecule, methyl sulfone, reverses the metastatic phenotypes of melanoma and breast cancer
10:25-10:50 a.m. Ailin Tao, PhD, Professor, Guangzhou Municipal Key Laboratory of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, China. IgE-independent Food Allergy Diagnosed by in vitro Whole Blood Challenge Assays
10:50-11:05 a.m. Coffee Break
11:05-11:35 a.m. Shiming Li, PhD, Professor, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, and Michiko Suzawa, Director of Miyauchi Citrus Research Center, Ltd., Takasaki-shi, Gunma, Japan. Anti-cancer activity of polymethoxyflavones and their combination with citrus flavonoids
11:35-11:55 a.m. Keryn Woodman, PhD student, and Jason White, PhD, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. Benfotiamine alleviates dystrophic pathology in the mdx mouse
Session 4: MABL EAJAZ chair - Functional and medical foods in the management of chronic inflammation and chronic disease (Session Chair: Dr. Bassem Y. Sheikh)
11:55- 12:30 p.m. Bassem Y. Sheikh, PhD, Professor, Director, MABL EAJAZ chair for Scientific Miracles of Prophetic Medicine, Director, Center of Innovation and Creativity, College of Medicine, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia. Antioxidant and Tissue-Protective Studies on Ajwa Extract: Dates from Al Madinah Al-Monwarah, Saudia Arabia (Chair: Dr.Danik M. Martirosyan)
12:30-12:50 p.m. Ahmad M. Gumel, PhD, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Synergistic Effects Of Nigella Sativa Oil Against Apoptotic Bcl-2 And Neuron Specific Enolase (Nse-2) In Oxidative Stressed Brain
12:50-1:10 p.m. Daleya Abdulaziz Bardi, PhD Student, Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Investigation of The Antioxidant, Anticancer Activities of Cymbopogon Schoenanthus
1:10-1:30 p.m. Mohammed Farouq Halabi, PhD Student, Department of Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Rule of Cymbopogon schoenanthus in Diabetic and Inhibition of Glycogen Phosphorylase
1:30-2:30 p.m. Lunch
Session 5: Bioactive compounds and foods in prevention of chronic inflammation; Role in tissue regeneration and disease prevention (Session Chair: Dr. Ichiro Nishimura)
2:30-3:05 p.m. Special Lecture 5: Hisham Ibrahim, PhD, professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan. Novel Biopeptides from Lysozyme with Therapeutic Potential for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases
3:05-3:30 p.m. Ichiro Nishimura, Professor, Director, The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Vitamin D, a functional food for dental implant and biological clock
3:30-3:55 p.m. Tomohisa Hattori, PhD, Nagasaki University School of medicine, Ibaraki, Japan. The use of herbal medicine Rikkunshito in gastrointestinal related disorders
3:55-4:20 p.m. Kirsten Tillisch, MD, Associate Professor, Oppenheimer Family Center for Neurobiology of Stress, Division of Digestive Diseases, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Probiotic effects on brain-gut communication
4:20-4:35 p.m. Coffee Break
4:35-4:55 p.m. Eric C. Sung, DDS, Professor of Clinical Dentistry. Division of Advanced Prosthodontics. The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA School of Dentistry, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA. N-acetyl cysteine prevents toxicity of chair-side and over the counter bleaching agents without affecting their aesthetic appeal
4:55-5:15 a.m. Mark McAfee, Founder and CEO, Founder Chairman, Raw Milk Institute, Fresno, CA, USA. The Great California Raw Milk Experiment
5:15-5:30 p.m. Milan Fiala, MD, Professor, Department of Surgery, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA. Omega-3 fatty acids improve clearance of amyloid-beta by macrophages of patients with alzheimer disease
5:30 p.m. Closing
August 22, 2013
Session 6: Research and Development of Functional and Medical Food Products (Session Chair: Dr. Danik M. Martirosyan)
9:00-9:30 a.m. Young Chul Kim, PhD, Professor of Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. A novel mechanism involved in the enhancement of hepatic glutathione synthesis by silymarin and its pharmacological significance
9:30-9:55 a.m. Edwin D. Lephart, PhD, Professor, Department of Physiology/Neuroscience, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Resveratrol and resveratrol analogs (butyrate and isobutyrate): human skin gene expression analysis
9:55-10:20 a.m. Shiyi Ou, PhD, Professor, Department of Food Science and Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Preparation of feruloylated oligosaccharide and its antioxidant, and probiotic activity
10:20-10:35 a.m. Coffee Break
10:35-11:00 a.m. Ravinder Abrol, PhD, Departments of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Emerging role of bitter taste receptors in curing type 2 diabetes
11:00-11:20 a.m. Shui Yin Lo, PhD, Quantum Health Research Institute, American University of Complementary Medicine, Beverly Hills, CA, USA. Stable water clusters and health
Session 7: Poster Presentations
11:20-12:45 p.m. Poster Presentations
12:45: 1:15 p.m. Awards:
Runner-up recognition: (Chair: Dr. Danik Martirosyan). Runner-up recognitaion to those oral or poster presenters who present the best research in pre-clinical, clinical and research and development preentations.
Student awards: (Chair: Dr.Anahid Jewett). Cure Cancer Now Foundation will award three student presentations at $1000 for first place, $600 for second place and $400 for third place.
Golden Medal Prize: (Chair: Dr. Bassem Y. Sheikh) MABL Chair will provide the Golden Medal prize ($10,000) for the best research contribution to the conference. The prize is awarded annually to the best researcher with appreciated knowledge added to the field of natural products (functional foods product with natural ingredients).
1:15-1:30 p.m. Conference Closing
Conference Organizing Committee
Conference Organizing Committee Co-chairmen:
Anahid Jewett, PhD, Professor and Director of Tumor Immunology Laboratory, Division of Oral Biology and Medicine, the Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, Professor, President, Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor of Molecular Pathology, the Institute for Molecular Medicine, S. Laguna Beach, CA, USA (Garth Nicolson is the world's leading authority on cellular medicine, author of more than 600 medical and scientific publications)
Danik M. Martirosyan, PhD, UT Southwestern Medical Center; Founder, Academic Society of Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds; President, Functional Food Center, Inc.; Editor-In-Chief, the Jounal of Functional Foods in Health and Disease. Dallas, TX USA
Organizing Committee Members:
Yvette Taché, PhD, Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Director, CURE: Digestive Diseases Research Center - Animal Core, Co-Director, Center for Neurobiology of Stress & Women's Health, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, USA
Ichiro Nishimura, Professor, Director, The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Bassem Y. Sheikh, PhD, Professor, Director, MABL EAJAZ chair for Scientific Miracles of Prophetic Medicine, Director, Center of Innovation and Creativity, College of Medicine, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
Ih-Jen Su, MD, PhD, Professor, Director of National Instute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology, National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan Town, Taiwan
Yoshinori Marunaka, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Molecular Cell Physiology, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan
Yong Sang Song, MD, PhD, Director, Cancer Research Institute, Chairman, Cancer Biology Interdisciplinary Program, Director, Gynecologic Oncology, Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea
Junji Terao, PhD, Professor, Department of Food Science, Institute of Health Biosciences, University of Tokushima Graduate School, Japan
Masahito Yamada, MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology and Neurobiology of Aging, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa, Japan
Denis Shields, PhD, Professor, Bioinformatics, School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, and Food for Health Ireland, University College Dublin, Ireland
Ming-shi Chang, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, National Cheng-kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Yvonne Freund-Levi, MD, PhD, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Division of Clinical Geriatrics, Karolinska University Hospital, NOVUM, Stockholm, Sweden
Umberto Bernabucci, PhD, Professor, Environmental Physiology and Ruminant Nutrition, Department of Agriculture, Forests, Nature and Energy (DAFNE), University of Tuscia-Viterbo, San Camillo De Lellis, Viterbo, Italy
Klaus W. Lange, MD, PhD, Profesor, Chair of Biological, Clinical, and Neuropsychology Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany
Shigehiko Kanaya, PhD, Professor, Graduate School of Inf. Science, NAIST, Takayama-cho Ikoma Nara, Japan
Young-Joon Surh, PhD, Professor, Director, Tumor Microenvironment Global Core Research Center, Seul, South Korea
Xu-Feng Huang, MD, PhD, Professor, Executive Scientific Director, Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Wollongong, NSF, Australia
Hiroyuki Matsumoto, PhD, Professor, Director, NSF EPSCoR Oklahoma, Biotechnology Network Laser Mass Spectrometry Facility, Director, NCRR COBRE Oklahoma Vision Research Lipidomics Core Facility, The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Oklahoma city, OK, USA
Medical and Food Industry Experts:
Bruce Burnett, PhD, Primus Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Danik M. Martirosyan, PhD, President of Functional Food Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Michiko Suzawa, Director, Member of ACS, Miyauchi Citrus Research Center, Ltd., Japan
Patricia Farris, MD, Private Practitioner, Old Metairie Dermatology, Metairie, LA, USA
Venue and Accommodation
University of California, Los Angeles
UCLA is a renowned public research university, located in Westwood Village, in west Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1919, UCLA’s campus covers a 419 acre area, where the ocean, mountains, lakes and deserts are only a short drive away. Along with over 5,000 faculty members, students come from all 50 states and over 100 countries to make up the over 40,000 student population. UCLA is home of 12 Nobel Prize winners, 275 of the "Best Doctors in America" and many established professionals in the field of functional foods.

Additional information about UCLA can be found here.
The conference will be taking place on UCLA campus in the Neuroscience Research Building Auditorium (NRBA). Here is a full map of UCLA, with the NRBA highlighted. The second is a close up area map of the NRBA and its surroundings.The physical address of the NRBA is: 635 Charles Young Drive South Los Angeles, CA 90095.
Tours and Attractions
There are an endless amount of attractions and site-seeing opportunities to take advantage of in the city of Los Angeles.
Available to visitors is a 5 ½ city tour (with a complimentary pick up from select hotels), exploring local beaches, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and the beautiful, sunny California coastline. If you are interested in signing up, click here.
Rooming Accommodations
UCLA Tiverton House - This 100-room hotel is a mere 5 minute walk from the conference room. Guests are offered to enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast, free parking, and a tranquil, beautifully landscaped outside area.
UCLA Tiverton House
900 Tiverton Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3013
(310) 794-0151
UCLA Guest House – This 61-room hotel offers an at-home experience for visiting scholars and guest speakers who are visiting UCLA. The Guest House is also a short distance from the conference room and offers a complimentary campus shuttle, as well as free internet access.
UCLA Guest House
435 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 825-2923

Hotel Angeleno, Los Angeles – This 208-room hotel is located 3 miles west of UCLA and offers world-class service to all incoming guests. Enjoy the courtesy shuttle service, complimentary evening wine hour and personalized service from experienced staff.
Hotel Angeleno
170 North Church Lane
Los Angeles, CA 90049

For a list of more nearby hotels, addresses, reservation numbers and nightly rates, click here.
There are a variety of ways to get to UCLA from LAX airport.
Bus Service - There is regular bus service between LAX and Westwood. The best service is via the Big Blue Bus (Santa Monica). The bus takes about 1 hour to get to Westwood (which is longer than a taxi or shuttle, because it routes through Santa Monica). To take the bus, you need to take the LAX Airport Shuttle bus to the Transit Center, and then transfer to the appropriate bus to Westwood.
Shuttle Services operate continuously and can take you to Westwood for approximately $25. To catch one of these, go to the outer lanes and talk to one of the shuttle dispatchers. They are usually able to put you on a shuttle within 15-20 minutes. Super Shuttle is one of the larger companies- they have dispatchers at LAX between 08:00-24:00.
Taxis (e.g. Yellow Cab) can be picked up at curbside (inside lanes), right outside baggage claim. The cost to go to Westwood will be about $35, including a $2.50 airport tax.
Car rentals are also available through Enterprise, for more information call (310) 649-5400.