Posters and Abstracts
Instructions for Poster Presenters: Poster presentations allow the audience to get a clear visual of the presenters' work in a simple format. The reasonable size for posters is 2.5 feet width(76.2 Centimeter), 3.5 feet height(106.68 Centimeter).
Poster Presentation Recommendations: The poster should clearly present the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research, along with highlighting the abstract's major elements.Remember that pictures, tables, and figures are key to any poster display. At least 50% of the surface area should be used for photos, graphs, or diagrams. Good use of color and the use of black or dark blue for text. Too much color can be hard to read! One or two large, high-quality photographs attract attention. Make the title large and clear! Include author(s) name(s) and address(es). Your poster title should be easily readable from 3 - 4 meters away. We recommend the following sections on the poster: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Tables, Figures, Results, and Conclusions. For more information about poster sessions, please click here.
- For those who presenting virtually, we ask that you create a powerpoint instead of a poster to feature your research
- The powerpoint may be up to 10 slides (ideally 7-10 slides in length)
- You may have up to 7 minutes to present
- Poster presentations give the audience a clear visual of the presenter's work in a simple format. The reasonable size for posters is 2.5 feet wide by 3.5 feet high.
- Present the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research, along with highlighting the abstract's major elements.
- Minimize detail and try to use simple statements. Keep it short and easy to read.
- Remember that pictures, tables, and figures are key to any poster display.
If possible, use color in your visuals.
- Don't overwhelm the audience with excessive information. Instead, construct a display that enhances the presentation.
- At least 50% of the surface area should be used for photos, graphs and diagrams.
Use a clear structure and layout.
- Use complementary colors. Use black or dark blue for text. Too much color can be hard to read!
- One or two large, high quality photographs attract attention.
- Your title should be a condensed statement of the main idea of your poster. It should be large and clear.
- Your poster title should be easily readable from a distance of 3-4 meters. Include author(s) name(s), and address(es).
- We recommend the following sections on the poster: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Tables, Figures, Results, and Conclusions.
- Please confirm your poster number on the list. The posters with odd numbers will be presented on September 23, 2022 and the posters with even numbers will be presented on September 24, 2022.
- Please put up your own poster in the position indicated by your presentation number by noon of each day.
- Presentation numbers are already indicated on display panels. Please check your presentation number and be careful to put up your poster on the correct panel. Please use pins to put up posters. Please do not use glue or sellotape.
- Please present your work in front of your own poster during the poster session.
- The best poster presentation award will be chosen by votes of all participants.
- Posters will be changed every day. Please help by taking your own poster down. Posters still displayed after the removal time has passed will be disposed of by the secretary the following day.
- For more information on oral presentation please visit conference program page.
- Portrait size: 2.5 feet width(76.2 centimeters), 3.5 feet height(106.68 centimeters)

Accepted Abstracts for Presentation
O* - abstract for oral presentation
P** - abstract for poster presentation
Mediterannean diet, functional foods and Health Promotion Antonios Koutledakis (O)
Natural functional foods as a part of the Mediterranean lifestyle, and their association with psychological resilience and other health-related parameters Efstratios T. Christodoulou*, Georgia-Eirini Deligiannidou, Christos Kontogiorgis, Constantinos Giaginis, Antonios E. Koutelidakis (O)
Greek Endemic Plant Extracts as Potential Biopreservatives Against Foodborne Pathogens Gregoria Mitropoulou*, Ioanna Karapantzou, Gkalpinos K. Vasileios, Andreas G. Tzakos, Yiannis Kourkoutas, (P)
The traditional functional foods of the Mediterranean diet (herbs, wild greens, olive oil, fishes, grains, fruits, and vegetables) Mousis Vasileios*, Galpinos Vaileios (O)
Treatment and valorization of agro-industrial waste streams by edible and medicinal fungi: production of mycelial mass under submerged agitated cultures. Dimitris Sarris, Sotirios Pilafidis*, Glykeria Sougleri, Erminda Tsouko, Panagiota Diamantopoulou, Konstantinos Gkatzionis, Zacharias Ioannou (O)
In vitro Evaluation of Functional Properties of Wild-Type Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Various Sources Chrysoula Pavlatou*, Ioanna Prapa, Vasiliki Kompoura, Yiannis Kourkoutas (P)
Novel Semi-Dry and Sweet Low Alcohol Wine fermented with Immobilized Kefir Culture Anastasios Nikolaou*, Yiannis Kourkoutas (P)
Retrospective study investigating the habits related to the snack consumption in a sample of the Greek population Kyriakos Makris*, Andreas Sioutis, Antonios Koutelidakis (P)
Exploiting the Plant Biodiversity Flora of North Western Greece for the Development of Novel Bioproducts Vassilios Galpinos, Vassiliki Anagnostou, Vassilios Moussis Andreas G. Tzakos* (P)
Pathogenic biofilm removal potential of wild type Lacticaseibacillus rhamnsosus strains Gregoria Mitropoulou*, Grigoris Nelios, Yiannis Kourkoutas (P)
Effect of the consumption of bioactive compounds (vitamin C, D3, Ca, polyphenols) on bone metabolism indices in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis’ risk: A prospective study Melina Konstantinidi*, Alexandros Lydatakis, Antri Olympiou, Styliana Theodosiou, Maria Bekiri, Ioannis Anastasiou, Nikolaos Vlachos, George Tsakotos, Antonios Koutelidakis (P)
Cheese whey valorization by Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast strain EXF-5288 under submerged agitated cultures: alternative protein production Koukoumaki D.I., Tsouko E., Ioannou Z., Papanikolaou S., Batra G., Koutelidakis A., Gunde-Cimerman N., Sarris D.
Profiling of wild-type LAB isolated from Feta-type cheese of Kefalonia island as candidate probiotic starters Iliada K. Lappa*, Dimitra Alimpoumpa, Aikaterini Natsia, Aikaterini Papadaki, Nikolaos Kopsahelis (P)
Curcumin for the Diagnosis of Alzheimers A. Umur Kayabasi*, Selcuk N. Cakmeceli (O)
Neuropharmacological activity of Dolichandrone atrovitrens (Roth) in Swiss albino mice Thirupathy Kumaresan Paraman*, Baby Roselin, Sri Vaishnavi T.(P)
In search of an easy way to follow dietary recommendations, maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity: the utility of the qualitative, dietary diary ‘Self-monitorYourDiet®’. Pilot study Lidia Wadolowska (P)
Corchorus olitorius L.: nutraceutical against neuroinflammation-related disorders. Reham Wagdy*, Reham M. Abdelkader, Ahmed H. El-Khatib, Michael W. Linscheid, Nabila Hamdi, Heba Handoussa (P)
Greek Endemic Plant Extracts as Potent Growth Stimulators of Probiotic Bacteria Vasiliki Kompoura*, Ioanna Karapantzou, Gregoria Mitropoulou, Gkalpinos K. Vasileios, Andreas G. Tzakos, Yiannis Kourkoutas (P)
Yerba Mate an Infusion Herb with Promising Biological (Antibacterial and Anti-Proliferative) Activity Roula Abdel-Massih*, Ali Jason Saleh, Leen Othman, Rita Ghanem, Michel Elchoueiry, Samer Bazzi, Elie Fayad, Sabah El-Sawalhi, Marwan Sabban (O)
Assessing the Effect of Calcium Fortified Dairy Products on Bone Mineralization and Functionality in Adults aged 65 to 80 years: A Systematic Review Miriam Hagan*, Chimene Castor (O)
Development of Antimicrobial Dressings for Wound Healing Vassilios Galpinos, Eirinaios Vrettos, Vassiliki Anagnostou, Vassilios Moussis Andreas G. Tzakos* (O)
Synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of antivenom potential of Alstonia scholaris bark extract in experimental mice models Sumana Sarkhel* (O)
Microbial Whole Genome Sequencing and bioinformatic analysis for the characterization of novel probiotic strains Κonstantinos Tegopoulos*, Theodora Tsirka, Anastassia Vamvouraki, Ioanna, Farmakioti, Ioanna Prapa, Ioannis Kourkoutas, George Skavdis, Petros Kolovos , Maria E. Grigoriou (P)
Apple by-product as a rich source of antioxidant compounds Rocio De la Pena-Armada*, Alejandra Garcia-Alonso, Immaculada, Mateos-Aparicio (O)
Chia Protein Extraction Study Renata Adriana Labanca*, Vanessa Luciana dos Santos, Lovisa Eliasson, Epameinondas Xanthakis (P)
Effect of a novel probiotic strain in the microbial community of the mouse gut. Ioanna, Farmakioti*, Electra Stylianopoulou, Euaggelia Karagianni, Nikistratos Siskos, Dionysios Kandylas, Theodora Tsirka, Konstantinos Tegopoulos, Andreas-Raphael Vassileiou, Somalou Paraskeui, Alexandra Tsaroucha, Petros Ypsilantis, Ioannis Kourkoutas, Petros Kolovos, George Skavdis, Maria E. Grigoriou (P)
Developing New Food-Grade Medium for Probiotic Bacteria Cultivation. Paraskevi Somalou*, Panayiotis Panas, Yiannis Kourkoutas (P)
Optimizing osmotic dehydration of oyster mushrooms for quality improvement and shelf-life extension Natalia Stavropoulou*, Akrivi Kalousopoulou, Maria C. Giannakout
Self-reported lexicon tools for the emotion profiling of functional foods : a case study on propolis. Malamatenia Panagiotou*, Tsimpliaraki Stavroula, Gkatzionis Konstantinos (P)
The Potential Health Effects of Phytocompounds from Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hill) on Metabolic Health: A Review of their Mechanisms of Actions Afa K. Palu*, Tiffany Chu, Jamie Preston, Robert Poon, Stephanie Kung, Erin Glynn (O)
Development of novel crackers from alternative flours from local Mediterranean legumes and by-products Poriazi Foteini*, Antonios Koutelidakis, Gkatzionis Konstantino, Gianoutsos Konstantinos, Dana Koukourmaki (P)
Acute effect of a novel, functional olive oil, enhanced with orange peel extract, on postprandial biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress of volunteers at high cardiometabolic risk Olga Papagianni*, Chrysoula Kaloteraki, Aikaterini Kandyliari, Anna-Kiriaki Mavrou, Vasiliki Panteli, Camille Ouzaid, Thomas Loukas, Athanasios Magkoutis, Dimitrios Skalkos, Charalampos Karantonis, Antonios E. Koutelidakis (O)
Functional Foods based on liquid egg-white protein Patroklos Vareltzis*, Avrakomi Matzaridou, Papaliagkas Vasileios (O)
Dairy products fortified with plant extracts: antioxidant, phenolic content, and organoleptic characterization Aikaterini Kandyliari*, Panoraia Bousdouni, Panagiota Potsaki, Martha Christofilea, Kalliopi Almpounioti, Andreani Moutsou, Chrysoula Kaloteraki, Vasileios K. Gkalpinos, Vasiliki A. Anagnostou, Andreas G. Tzakos, Antonios E. Koutelidakis (O)
Mediterranean Diet and Chronic Disease Prevention Mona Boaz* (O)
Study of the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of novel wheat crackers enriched with cereal, legume and agricultural by-products flours Despina Chatzicharalambous*, Antonios Koutelidakis, Chrysoula Kaloteraki, Olga Papagianni, Konstantinos Gianoutsos, Danai Koukoumaki, Dimitris Sarris, Konstantinos Gkatzionis (P)
Developing functional food ingredients for maintaining digestive health in Type-1 Diabetes Ioanna Prapa*, Grigorios Nelios, Chrysoula Pavlatou, Paraskevi Somalou, Amalia Ε. Yanni, Nikolaos Kostomitsopoulos, Panayiotis Panas, Yiannis Kourkoutas (O)
Phytochemical and Probiotic consumption: Role on gut microbiota and efficacy on gastrointestinal disorders Panorea Bousdouni*, Antonios Koutelidakis (O)
*Hempseed biorefinery: a perspective towards the development of food products in the bioeconomy era Aikaterini Natsia*, Aikaterini Papadaki, Nikolaos Kopsahelis. (O)
*Biosurfactant production using GRAS lactobacilli strains: Process optimization and food product development Vasiliki Kachrimanidou, Dimitra Alimpoumpa, Maria Alexandri, Aikaterini Papadaki, Nikolaos Kopsahelis (O)
*A whole-cell biosensor for the in vivo assessment of the anti-amyloidogenic properties of essential oils from Greek endemic species Electra Stylianopoulou, Anastasia Daviti, Anastassios Nikolaou, I. Kourkoutas, Maria E. Grigoriou, George Skavdis, Κaterina Palaiologou (P)
*Fasting and Fasting Mimetics: Effects on Microbiota and Epigenetics Alexander Haslberger (O)
*Nutritional and phytotherapeutic value of seeds from the halophyte Cladium mariscus L. (Pohl.) Catarina Guerreiro Pereira*, Débora Mecha, Gokhan Zengin, Zoltán Cziáky, Maria João Rodrigues, Luísa Custódio (P)
*Elucidating the bacterial population in brine belonging to Ezine PDO cheese from metagenomic perspective Hale Inci Ozturk*, Nihat Akin (O)
- *Antioxidant Content Determination in Ripe Date Fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.): a Scoping Review Nora Al Faris*, Jozaa Zaidan AlTamimi, Lujain Abdulaziz AlMousa, Fatima Ali AlGhamidi, Riyadh A. Alzaheb, Najla Abdulaziz Albaridi (P)
*Membrane Lipid Replacement with Plant Glycerolphospholipids Slowly Reduces Self-reported Symptom Severities in Chemically-Exposed Gulf War Veterans Garth Nicolson*, Paul C. Breeding (O)
*Assessment, Effects, and Properties of Probiotics from Human Breast Milk Chika Maureen Ezenwa*, Yongabii K.S, Okechukwu- Ezike N.C, Nwadike C. (P)
*Habitually skipping breakfast is associated with the risk of gastrointestinal cancers: Evidence from the Kailuan cohort study Tong Liu*, Hangping Shi (O)
*Nature has the answers: discovering and validating natural bioactives for human health Martin Kussman (O)
*Mediterranean diet adherence, body composition, and metabolic markers in Portuguese university students Sofia Lopes, Tatiana Fontes, Regina Menezes, Luís Monteiro Rodrigues, Cíntia Ferreira-Pêgo* (O)
Novel "neo" NutriFood with multiple positive effects in well-being/health Charalampia M. Dimou
A “confluent” method to produce olive oil rich in antioxidant carotenoids and essential fatty acids Le Thuy Vuong (O)
*White water lily (Nymphaea odorata Aiton, Nymphaeaceae) root extracts and isolated methyl-gallate induce apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells SM Wicks, NA Raut, DM Kokare, GB Mahady (O)
*Extracts of the rhizomes of Nymphaea odorata and its active compound, methyl-gallate, induce apoptosis in gastric and colon cancer cells, and act as HDAC inhibitors SM Wicks, NA Raut, DM Kokare, GB Mahady (P)
*Evaluation of membrane bioreactor performance for wastewater treatment of non-alcoholic beverage factories Arman Jafari, Atena Sangsari, Nima Yazdani, Amir Erfan Taghizadeh (O)
*Seaweed as a Health-Promoting Ingredient: Potential Application in Bakery Products Hasmadi Mamat*, Mansoor Abdul Hamid (O)
*Computational evaluation of selected bioactive phytonutraceuticals as inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 key druggable targets John Omo-Osagie Uhomoibhi*, Francis Oluwole Shode, Kehinde Ademola Idowu, Saheed Sabiu (O)
*The potential anti-oxidant activity of Avena sativa, L. (Oats) Madonna Ehab*, Nayra Omran, Heba Handoussa (O)
*The Potential Health Benefit of a Novel Probiotic Yoghurt Fortified with Purple-Leaf Tea in Modulation of Gut Microbiota Patrick Mucheru, Peter Chege, Mary Muchiri* (O)
*Antioxidant screening of Piper guineense, Ocimum grattissimum L and Uvaria chamae Ngozika Okechukwu-Ezike*, Kenneth Yongabi, Constance Nwadike, Chika Ezenwa (O)
- The Nutritional Composition of Branded Food Products bearing Health & Nutrition Claims: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Greek Foodscape Alexandra Katidi, Eleni Simeonidi, Antonis Vlassopoulos*, Maria Kapsokefalou (O)
The application of Nutri-Score in Branded Foods in Greece and its alignment with National Guidelines and the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Antonis Vlassopoulos*, Alexandra Katidi, Tereza Savvidou, Maria Kapsokefalou (O)